Sunday, July 13, 2014

Alter Ego

Name/URL: Alter Ego
Coordinates: N 36° 00.557 W 115° 10.571
City: Las Vegas, NV
Date: 07/10/14
Result: Puzzle Solved

I helped my friend solve this puzzle, and I think it's impossible to solve anymore so I thought I would post some information here to help future solvers who are searching for the unintelligible image provided in the cache.

Here are the images:

With some difficulty, I was able to figure out the concept that the two pictures are associated with Forum IDs for two geocachers.
I know the second one is for Road Runner:
So 30.8495149 * 373120 = 11510571 which I'm sure will give you the correct answer for the longitude.

The first image seems to be impossible to figure out..  For this, you'll need to guess a Forum ID that gives a whole number when multiplied by 17.48140218.