Coordinates: N 38° 59.171 W 077° 19.645
City: Great Falls, VA
Date: 1/15/07
Result: Success
Joined By: Brian
Taken: Nothing
Left: Nothing
Log Book: Signed
Notes: We parked at N 38° 59.352 W 077° 19.845 - would have been better off at the trailhead at N 38° 59.171 W 077° 19.645. Also, the coordinates in the solved puzzle seemed to be about 75 feet away from the ultimate location. Fortunately, Gaiter Man had found the cache as we were correcting our course. We left our trinkets in the car, so sadly we could not take anything (will save them for the next cache). Pete and Sam had to remove their shoes to wade across the little stream at the end. Sam also spotted a turtle along the way (see pic). Also, you can see that Brian thought it would be fun to take a picture of his ipon in the cache and post it on the site to see if that drums up greater interest. Note Sam's rugged footwear. Pete made it all the way there, and most of the way back.
Has this cache been subsequently found by others? Yes

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