Friday, March 7, 2008

Karma - Getting Closer

Geocaching Karma is a calculation of how much you have contributed to the sport of Geocaching vs. how much you have taken.

It is a simple calculation equal to (total number of finds on caches you have placed) / (total number of caches you have found). Of course, you do not want to obsess too much about Geo-Karma, since it rewards placing very easy caches and does not adequately reward good puzzle caches (which we also enjoy placing).

Our Karma is currently up to .73 (191 / 261). I project that it should be over the coveted 1.0 threshold by the end of the summer.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Wow, it must be difficult to maintain so many caches. Good for you. I recently wrote about geocaching karma. Drop by and check it out. Best of luck on your karma ratio!

Geocaching With Team Hick@HeartFTC